La Page Drapeaux de Philippe Nicolas Bondurand
Flag Enthusiasts, fly your banner over the country of your dreams! Faites flotter votre drapeau sur le
pays de vos rèves ! Mira su bandera sobre el pais de sus suenos !
Mon drapeau personnel (voyez aussi les drapeaux et les armes de ma famille)
Les Drapeaux sont en mer depuis la renaissance et sur terre depuis deux siècles le moyen privilégié de reconnaissance de l'appartenance à une nation, un état.
L'histoire avait connu bien d'autre codes, enseignes totémiques, vêtements de corporation, armoiries, badges et livrées, uniformes militaires et jusqu'aux boucliers des guerriers zoulous qui les désignaient comme appartenant à un même régiment.
Mais ce sont les drapeaux qui sont devenus l'un des supports privilégiés des revendications de reconnaissance culturelle, voire politique, des communeautés humaines. Si le phénomène n'espas apparu sur tous les continents à la même époque, il est fascinant de constater à quel point il est aujourd'hui universel.
Alliance Build the country of your dreams with plenty of flags (Web Flag Game)Mon Curriculum vitae (who I am, where I've studied and worked, what do I look like)
Mon travail (my job : a press relation network)
Persoflags : Personal flags of Vexillologists (and tenths of links to flag related sites)
UFE : unidentified flags or ensigns, page realized in behalf of and with the help from Flags of the World..
Vexillography : 7 rules to help you design flags
Flag Jokes : Let's laugh about flags
Les Drapeaux de France (Flags from France)
Les Armes et les Drapeaux des Bondurand (et de leurs alliés)
Visit Phenixia, my PersoNation in Alliance
Some countries are taking moves to change their present flag.
Here a 3 humble proposals, triggered by chat with other flag enthusiasts.
Australia :
This flag keeps "cruxia australis" and the federation star. Green and gold are australian sporting colors. In canton, the kangaroo, universal symbol of Australia is presented in design and colors hinting at the Aboriginal flag, inspired by a design by Ausflag. This flag is dedicated to my family at Coogee Bay.
New Zealand :
This flag is dedicated to my friend James Dignan. It features the fern of the famous "All Blacks" Rugby team. It is associated here to the traditional maori "moko". The 4 stars "cruxia australis" is taken from present flag and represent the european majority of population.
Mozambique :
This flag has been created following my friend Antonio Martins ask for proposals. Its shape looks back to the pre-1983 flag. Blue have been added to represent the Indian Ocean and is also a hint to reconciliation with RENAMO wich have blue in its flag.(see page from Antonio Martins)Please send me comments and proposals to my flag web adress